Gender Neutral Bathrooms at SHS (Comic)
Editorial Policy: The Norse Star strives to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner. Any column, editorial, or letter to the editor expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the entire staff. The staff editorial does not necessarily reflect the views of the entire staff. The Norse Star is a public forum written and produced by the students at Stoughton High School, and they are solely responsible for its content. Students, staff, faculty, and members of the community are welcome to submit letters to the editor of 300 words or less. Letters may be edited due to space limitations, obscenities, or libel concerns. Norse Star will verify the authenticity of any letters sent on the behalf of school organizations or groups. All letters must be signed and emailed to [email protected]

Miles is a senior, and this his third year on staff! He is the Norse Star’s Cover Story Editor, Graphics Editor, and Head Artist! Miles joined the Norse...