The warm-up is a crucial part of the game; it prevents you from getting hurt while physically and mentally preparing you to play. When you run out into the gym, you feel the energy; it’s the moment every athlete waits for when they get to the varsity level.
When warming up, you block out everyone and everything around you, and the only thing you hear is the music. As an athlete, you want to listen to music that excites you for your game.
When selecting the playlist, you must pick music from the Athletic/Activity iPad, which has no explicit content. This can create problems because the Athletic iPad might not have the music you want, or the music you want to play might be inappropriate, and restricted.
During halftime or time-outs, the game’s announcer shuffles through the playlist to fill the silence that those moments bring.
For many athletes, the environment makes the game. Andie Alexander, the SHS Athletic Director, believes athletes and the crowd should fill the high school athletic environment with sportsmanship, positivity, and encouragement.
“I think it is important to play music that touches all generations,” Alexander said. “We want the atmosphere to be supportive and involved, which stems back to our music selections and provides an experience for athletes, coaches, families, and fans.”
These moments with music within sports create the atmosphere of competition. It can recall memories or create memories for athletes.
SHS senior Ty Fernholz, captain of the 2023-24 Varsity Boys Basketball team, is responsible for making their team’s warm-up playlist. Fernholz had the chance to make it with former SHS student, Mason Marggi last season.
This year, he and Sawyer Schipper, another senior on the team, were able to collaborate to make the playlist. Their playlist consists primarily of rap with artists like Drake, Kanye, and Lil Wayne, but the seniors experienced some trouble when in the process of deciding on the music. It was difficult for them to incorporate what they liked as a team, with what was available on the iPad.
“We made it all Kanye [at first], but then there were some controversial topics of how people didn’t like it,” Fernholz said.
Fernholz and Schipper made some changes and added more artists to the playlist, ultimately suiting everyone’s music tastes on the team.
During warm-ups, the music plays a massive role in the team dynamic, and it shows where the team’s energy is and how they will perform because of it.
“I think it helps us get ready; [it] makes me feel loose when I’m out there warming up,” Fernholz said.”It’s music I enjoy so I can sing along to it and it creates a good vibe overall.”
Sometimes, the announcer chooses the wrong playlist for the game, creating a sensation for the team where they might not have the energy they need to perform.
In the future, Alexander hopes the band can commute to fall and winter sports.
“My goal is always to have as many students at one event as possible, creating comradery and a healthy supportive culture,” Alexander said.
In her opinion, the band would unite more students and create a supportive culture from many parts of the student base, it would bring more students to the student sections to chant and cheer on the athletes. It would bring big crowds and more energy to the stands, adding to what the environment lacks at times. It would also make the space louder and more enjoyable for athletes. It could make them feel more appreciated and supported by their fellow students.
“Music plays a big role in everything because it makes people feel a certain way. If the guys like the music, they feel good before the game,” Fernholz said.
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About the Contributor

Madison Kenrick, Staff Writer
Madison Kenrick is a sophomore, and this is her first year on staff! She joined the Norse Star for the opportunities it would give her and the chance to write more. Along with the Norse Star, she’s involved with volleyball, softball, and student senate. After high school, she plans to go to medical school and pursue becoming a surgeon! Outside of school, she likes hiking, reading, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family.