How much are you willing to spend on a prom dress? $100? $200? $500? Do you think spending that much money on an article of clothing you’ll probably only wear once is worth it? My personal maximum is $50 if that. Not only have I been able to buy both prom dresses from thrift stores for less than $10 each, but I’ve also found unique, quality pieces while spending infinitely less. I get to save money while also helping the environment by shopping second-hand.
I got into thrifting because of those linen and doily sales at St. Vincent De Paul. My mom would always go to them and take me with her. Even at a young age, I loved seeing the low prices, and since then, I’ve been hooked. It’s gotten to the point where I go every week…
Many people looking to pay less for clothes opt to buy dresses and other clothing items from fast fashion brands like SHEIN. Although the prices are lower, they produce poor-quality items. Many questions have also been raised regarding their work environment. Not only are employees working 18-hour days, but they’re only allowed one day off a month and get their wages cut if they make a mistake. Are SHEIN’s low prices really worth all of the consequential outcomes?
“You get what you pay for” is definitely a saying that fast fashion brands live by.
That five-dollar maxi dress might be tempting, but ordering online and having your packages ship across the planet is horrible for the environment, as if SHEIN and other fast fashion companies couldn’t get any worse.
Environmental issues caused by fast fashion brands include water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, exposure to toxic chemicals, excessive textile waste, and the production of tons of carbon dioxide every year. These are only a few consequences of SHEIN’s unsustainable practices.
Thrifting is much better for our planet because it reduces the amount of clothing that goes into landfills and the amount of textile waste. Thrifting is, essentially, recycling clothes. It also helps with overconsumption, a significant problem in today’s society, leading to excess waste.
Not only is thrifting sustainable and cheap, but most clothes are also good quality. At most thrift stores, it’s easy to find things for 50% less than the retail price. I could buy 20 items, that are practically as good as new, for less than $100.
Another reason thrifting is worthwhile is the fact that it creates jobs in your community. Often, thrift stores are nonprofits or support charitable causes. So, while buying your prom dress for cheap, you’re also giving back.
Besides helping the environment, your community, and your wallet, thrifting can help to expand your style. Although you might gravitate towards styles in your comfort zone, you might end up loving many other options at thrift stores. My style has definitely changed since I started thrifting more, and I also have countless things to choose from in my closet because I can buy more items for a better price.
So, while searching for your next prom dress, think about stopping at our local thrift stores! There are so many styles to choose from, and you’ll probably be the only one wearing that specific dress.
The benefits of thrifting go on and on. It is good for the environment, affordable, reduces waste, expands style, and makes you unique! You don’t always need the most expensive dress to bust it down at prom and look good doing it.
Dress to Impress: Thrift Edition
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About the Contributor

Raegan Peterson, Staff Writer, and Copy Editor
Raegan is a senior, and this is her second year on staff! She’s the copy editor and a staff writer. She joined the Norse Star because she was told by her LA10 teacher that she was a good writer, so she should try the Norse Star – which she did! Besides the paper, she’s a part of the symphonic band, marching band, and cheer. She plans on majoring in Biology with a minor in Captive Animal Management. Once she becomes rich, she wants to have a dog farm with all the dogs from the pounds/shelters. Outside of school, she likes hanging out with friends and family, sleeping, and watching Grey’s Anatomy. She loves tigers so much they make her cry.