His name is Travis Ryan, and he was long overdue for a makeover. Luckily, Rae Peterson, Madeline Monthie, and Bella Patrinos were up for the task.
They made plans to go to their local Goodwill to find Travis Ryan a new, spiffy fit. They searched the racks like maniacs. The girls really wanted Travis Ryan to try on some jeans, but he was very against the idea.
A random guy in the same aisle decided to chime in and say, “Don’t feel bad. I didn’t start wearing jeans until I was 22.” Okay… that’s not helping.
Travis Ryan decided to find some nice dress pants. He found a few good options, while the girls found at least 15 shirts and sweaters for him to try on. But, once he stepped into the dressing room, they quickly regretted giving Travis Ryan a makeover.
They spent days, maybe weeks, on the Goodwill floor; beards growing on their chins, suffering from hunger, and turning into skin and bones. Another random guy must’ve noticed their pain and thought they needed to make some money to buy food or something, so he offered them a job to keep his wife away from him. Random….
Anyway, all of the girls’ pain and suffering instantaneously disappeared when Travis Ryan walked out of the dressing room in the perfect outfit. Even he liked it, which was a surprise.
I guess the guy who offered the girls a job couldn’t leave the group alone because he started checking Travis Ryan out.
“You look amazing, man,” he said. Travis Ryan got flustered.
Before the group left Goodwill, that same man gave Bella $10 for graduation. Nice!
A few days later, it was time to work on Travis Ryan’s hair. This is where Miles Heritsch came in to help. Bella brought the scissors, and Miles got to work. Travis Ryan explained that he usually cuts his own hair (which explained a lot), and the last time he got it professionally done was in 5th grade. He was in desperate need of a good haircut.
Miles quickly filled up a trash bin with Travis Ryan hair. They could’ve made a medium-sized dog with it. Gross…
Travis Ryan looked ten times better already. You couldn’t even tell it was him because you could actually see his face.
The next week (I know, this makeover really dragged out), Miles brought some hair products to define the curls that Travis Ryan seriously needed to embrace. Miles started with the scrunch method on the majority of the hair, and then finger-coiled the bangs. It made a huge difference.
Although Travis Ryan wasn’t exactly thrilled throughout the process of his makeover, the rest of the group had fun, and that’s all that really matters.
The Travis Ryan Makeover
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About the Contributor

Raegan Peterson, Staff Writer, and Copy Editor
Raegan is a senior, and this is her second year on staff! She’s the copy editor and a staff writer. She joined the Norse Star because she was told by her LA10 teacher that she was a good writer, so she should try the Norse Star – which she did! Besides the paper, she’s a part of the symphonic band, marching band, and cheer. She plans on majoring in Biology with a minor in Captive Animal Management. Once she becomes rich, she wants to have a dog farm with all the dogs from the pounds/shelters. Outside of school, she likes hanging out with friends and family, sleeping, and watching Grey’s Anatomy. She loves tigers so much they make her cry.