Starting in summer 2024, SHS has undergone new construction changes and students and staff have been forced to adjust to these changes.
Soon after the passage of the 2022 referendum, which approved the funding of these projects, planning for the projects began. Findorff, the construction company, oversaw projects at various schools within the Stoughton Area School District. They provide biweekly executive summaries to SASD administrators to inform them about the progress. Summaries dated June 21 through Aug. 23 outline the work completed over the summer. At Stoughton High School, the old stage in the lunchroom was replaced with concrete, opening up the space. Five new skylight cutouts were created in the Commons (new lunchroom and gathering space). New ceiling grids and flooring were placed in the science classrooms, a new walk-in cooler and freezer were installed in the kitchen, and new fencing, landscaping, and an access road were implemented outside the Anderson Complex.
Since the beginning of the school year, more steps have been taken to complete the construction. Skylights were installed, ceramic tiles were set, and the Student Lounge space was painted Stoughton purple.
Dylan Clark, a junior at SHS, has gained firsthand experience with the projects taking place across SASD. Clark has a youth apprenticeship with Pieper Power, a subcontracted electrical company working with the school district. Clark decided it was his path after attending a job fair for construction wiremen and hearing his uncle and grandfather promoting being an electrician. Through his apprenticeship, he installed classroom lights and did rough-ins (the stage of construction when mechanical, electrical, and plumbing lines are laid out) in the Commons. While balancing academics, athletics, and extracurriculars, Clark is able to take his first two school periods off to work from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. three days a week.
Clark has a unique perspective as both a construction crew worker and a student affected by the construction. Currently, hot lunch is served in the hallway outside of the MPR, between the main gym and the new Commons and Clark, like one of many students, has had to alter eating in the hallway because the Commons is under construction.
Clark also noted that the construction is going well and, as far as he knows, is on track to be completed on time.
Andrew Wiedenfeld, a superintendent for Findorff, and Fritz Friederichs, the project engineer, are overseeing the high school’s construction. When shown a printed copy of the estimated timeline from the SASD website, Wiedenfeld confirmed, “We’re right on schedule, where we should be for that timeline. All of the demolition, like all of the removal of the flooring, did happen during the summer time. Which is why you don’t hear a lot of loud noises and equipment going on.”
Wiedenfeld also explains that more demolition and rework will take place near the pool and gym during the winter months and in the art wing during the summer.
There are many critical parts to a large project like this. Wiedenfeld notes the importance of communication.
“Principal Cassie and Vice Principal Lance, I communicate with them very frequently. I meet with them once a week.”
There is a constant exchange of information between the Findorff workers, district and school administrators. Weidenfeld and Freiderichs acknowledge the flexibility of students and teachers who have relocated due to construction. They are here to address any issues arising from the construction, and their doors are always open to any concerns.
“We’re on call to make sure that we can help take care of our owners and our clients of the school,” Wiedenfeld stated.
Wiedenfeld and Friederichs were asked about youth apprenticeship programs and the path to working in construction.
“As far as the youth apprenticeships go, we always take a few each year. Guess it depends really on what we can handle on the construction project,” Wiedenfeld said.
Friederichs talks about the benefits of the youth apprenticeship program, “A paid education is what it is. You’re going to school and making an income while doing it.”
Students who are interested in youth apprenticeships can contact their counselors or Karina Ferrey the director of youth apprenticeship for SHS.
The Commons is estimated to be completed when students return from winter break. All SASD construction projects are expected to be completed by the end of Aug. 2025.
Ongoing Construction at SHS
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About the Contributor

Cheyenne Borroughs, Staff Writer
Cheyenne is a junior, and this is her first year on staff, as a Staff Writer! Cheyenne joined the Norse Star because she always enjoyed getting to write. Aside from the Norse Star, Cheyenne is involved at Stoughton High School through the Swim Team, and Key Club. She also swims for her club team, VSAT! In her free time, Cheyenne loves reading, and spending time with her family and friends. After high school, Cheyenne plans to attend college—she’s not sure of her major, but is interested in Political Science and Biology, but knows she’ll keep swimming regardless.