Emma Twedt: Although she’s new to head table, Twedt has held a variety of roles in past dinners. One of her favorite memories is “Forgetting all of my lines at the beginning of the dinner [last year] when I was Maître D’.”
Mikayla Becker: “[My favorite part of being a Madrigal is] caroling. It is so fun to see the joy we can bring people by simply singing,” Becker said. Her favorite place to carol with the group is “Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center. “The acoustics are incredible.”
Rylee Campbell: “My favorite part is bringing holiday joy and spirit to others. Madrigals is such a fun tradition and our dinner and costumes are on such a different level than other schools. It’s kind of goofy and silly, but overall, [it’s] an honor to be in. It’s so amazing to be a part of this tradition that continues to unfold,” Campbell said.
Tobie Bluel-Campbell: While new to the head table ensemble, Bluel has already made many memories in rehearsals. “The people [are my favorite], I’ve already made so many closer connections with people I [already] knew before, and it makes it so fun.”
Autumn Bonti: When reflecting on her favorite memories, Bonti recalls running from a mall cop in full costume. Regardless of the shenanigans, she loves being at the head table because, “I get to do what I love [singing], while dressed like an old-timey princess”.
Nora Knoploh: Knoploh’s favorite part of the dinner is the oaths and rebuttals. Her favorite line from her rebuttal pokes fun at her madrigal partner, Lukas Hartberg. “Annoying? Loud? Bothersome? Perhaps—but in the best way, for with Lukas around, you’re sure to have a thrilling day!” When asked what she would name the peacock, Knoploh said, “Alfred Von Anklehorn the III”.
Axle Graffin: Graffin, another new face to the ensemble, is also excited about their upcoming performances. “It’s so fun to be in an ensemble with people who are so passionate about music,” Graffin says. When asked about his favorite course, “[You] cannot go wrong with the Wassail.”
Miles Heritsch: As the longest-returning member in the head table ensemble, Heritsch has many fond memories. “I remember Mr. Casey asking me to pick any song for us to carol with, and as soon as I said ‘The Boars Head,’ Casey snapped and responded, ‘Any song but that one’,” Heritsch said.
Beatrix Johnson: When thinking about their favorite aspects of being at the head table, Johnson said, “Forming new relationships with people you would’ve probably never met if it wasn’t for Madrigals and having the opportunity to make music with them.”
Xavier Vogt: While his favorite place to carol is at the capitol in downtown Madison, Vogt’s best memory was “Performing for private parties! We always get treats, and the people there are always very nice.”
Jalyn Roe: Similar to Bonti, Bluel, Knoploh, Campbell, and Vogt, Roe’s favorite song from the madrigal set list is ”Holly Carol.” Roe’s favorite memory was “Seeing the cafeteria fully decorated for the first time during freshman year.”
Soren Vienneau: “My favorite place to carol is on the glass stairs of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. It has some of the best acoustics I’ve ever sung in,” Vienneau said. But when it comes to the peacock, “That putrid thing doesn’t deserve a name.”
Lukas Hartberg: As a second-year returning head table member, Hartberg has had his fair share of roles within the madrigal dinner, even before being on head table. His favorite memory was, “When I got to be the ‘Town Idiot’ my sophomore year.”
Anton Royko: In addition to Bonti, Royko also recollects his favorite memory being his experience with mall security while in costume. When it comes to his favorite madrigal song, “Bring a Torch” is Royko’s favorite.
Josh Walker: “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” takes the top spot as Walker’s favorite song from the madrigal setlist. When asked what he would choose to name the infamous peacock, Walker simply said, “Barb.”
*Addie Murphy declined to comment
*All photos submitted by respective individuals