For three years, I waited for my senior year. I am now well into my senior year and the waiting game persists. First I was waiting for winter break. I waited for college decisions to come out. I waited for the start of the second semester. Now, I wait to graduate and prepare for the next chapter of my life. But all this waiting had come to feel more like wasting. As I eagerly anticipate what comes next I find myself constantly reminding myself not to take what I have now for granted.
I have yet to meet anyone who wishes they could stay in senior year for the rest of their lives, in fact I meet many people who hope for it to be over early. After wishing away the start of my senior year I have chosen to cherish and take advantage of all the opportunities and room for growth I have left.
Staying motivated in school. By no means am I an expert at this. More nights than not I find myself putting off homework until the last minute, not giving my full effort, and feeling though my homework wasn’t worth the effort. Just remember, you are almost there! Finish off strong and make every assignment count. Many things may not seem worth it, but by persisting and doing your best you can leave SHS knowing you did your best.
Get outside! I love claiming “I love spending time outdoors!” But too, I find myself never truly appreciative of the wonderful parks, trails, and wildlife we have in Stoughton and our surrounding communities. You don’t need soaring mountains, world famous parks, and sand filled beaches to enjoy the outdoors. Spending time outside has not only offered me a place to relax but has helped me appreciate all that makes what I do have access to.
Try something new. A big part of the senior slump is being bored with what we have. I’d say spending three and a half years at SHS is more than enough. My days become a blur and my tasks are monotonous. Try something new to shake things up and make each day special. I have spent a lot more time in the kitchen experimenting with different recipes, by no means am I an expert but I find deep enjoyment in trying new things each day. I have even begun painting, something I never imagined myself enjoying. But by trying new things I create my own excitement and creativity!
Acknowledge how far you have come. As I prepare to leave SHS I start to reflect on my time here. I recently saw a photo of myself during freshman year and realized just how different I am compared to three years ago. I may not feel much different but I have grown as a student, friend, son and individual. By acknowledging how much I have grown I find it easier to continue to grow and progress.
Senior year feels like a lot of waiting, and for a large part it is. But by taking advantage of all the opportunities we are continuing to grow and mature rather than putting our lives on pause. Don’t just let life happen to you, but take control and make it what you want. You may not have the power to control every aspect of your senior year, but you can control how you react to tough and mundane times. Use these precious days for the best, try your best, and stop waiting for tomorrow, but start living today.