Looking Back While Moving Forward
September 25, 2020
If you went back in time and told my younger self that I’d end up the Associate Editor-in-Chief of a school newspaper, I probably would have laughed at you.
If you explained that I’d be doing it from the comfort of my home while our nation tries to cope with a worldwide pandemic, I’d assume you were pulling an elaborate prank on me– but here we are.
Sitting in my room with all of my familiar posters, books, trinkets, and a cat purring away in my lap, I can’t decide if I miss traditional school. Looking back on it, I was never very involved, especially not in my earlier years. I did the basics- talked to people when they talked to me and tried my best to get good grades- but I never tried out for any sports, auditioned for any plays, or joined any real clubs. The fear of looking foolish or not being good enough stopped me in my tracks.
I always reassured myself that I had time, and that if nothing else, senior year would be the year I branch out. Of course, now that I’m here, with online school, I don’t have the option to.
So as I look back and wish I’d done more, I find myself thankful for The Norse StarWhen I entered SHS as a freshman, I thought The Norse Star papers were the coolest things ever. That might be overselling it a tad, but I can vividly remember myself as an underclassman, looking forward to the end of the month when I knew a new issue would be coming out. I would page through issues during passing time, skim the articles on my walk home- I liked it enough that I wanted to be a part of it, so in the spring of my freshman year, when Norse Star applications for the coming year opened, I decided to fill one out…
…And then the deadline came and went, with me having submitted zero of the required teacher recommendation forms. Frankly, I chickened out. I’d never done anything like this before, and I was worried I wouldn’t be good at it. After a little self pity party though, I decided I’d apply next year. This time, I actually went through with it- and I’m so grateful for the opportunities, friends, and experiences that being a part Norse Star has provided me.
To any students that are like me- entirely content with staying safely in their comfort zone for however many years they have left at SHS- I feel you. Sometimes, putting yourself out there to join a club, sport, music program, or any other extracurricular, is scary and unknown. But taking that leap, pushing yourself to try something new, is, according to my philosophy, one of the best things you can do at this age. Trust me, your future self will thank you.
My senior year has only just begun, and while it’s certainly not what I was expecting when I envisioned my final year of high school, who knows what the coming months will hold? All I can do is try my best, and keep moving forward.