Managing (Most of) It All

Evan Loftus is also the president of student senate. You may hear him in the morning announcements, wishing you a good morning.

Ava Parr

Student sports managers assist with practice and games, allowing these activities to run smoother and letting the athletes focus on their performance. From filling up copious amounts of water bottles to helping out at games, these managers dedicate additional time and energy to a sport they may not even compete in.

Senior Kyah Tribune has been the girls basketball manager since freshman year. Although Tribune had played basketball in the past and had friends on the team, she did not initially plan to become a manager but was encouraged to join after one of her friends reached out to her. 

“It wasn’t even like I thought of the idea. One of my friends—who graduated last year—called me and was like, ‘Hey, do you wanna manage girls basketball with me? Because they need managers.’ And I was like, ‘Sure, something to do in the winter. Why not?’,” Tribune says. 

During practice, Tribune helps fill up water bottles, run the clock, prepare for games, and help with anything else the coach or team may need. 

“The easiest part of my job is definitely just socializing with all the girls on the team. They’re all really sweet and very kind-hearted people,” Tribune says. “The most difficult part [of my job] would probably be when it’s, one of those hard school days, and then after school you have a two hour practice and you’re not even playing.” 

Over four years, Tribune has had her fair share of positive experiences and has been able to watch the team she manages grow and achieve their goals. Tribune is currently managing her final season of SHS girls basketball, which is a bittersweet moment for her. Tribune reflects on the valuable skills she has learned.

“One thing I learned is responsibility. Because although [managers are] not playing, it’s still important that we show up to help out. I think it really showed me, ‘No, you have to be here at this time. You can’t be late.’ [It also] showed me good time management skills.” Tribune says. 

Senior tennis player Evan Loftus has been able to learn more about his sport by managing the girls team for a season, along with senior Finn Novak. Loftus’ friends on the girls’ tennis team motivated him to manage the sport his senior year. 

Loftus recounts his duties as manager, where he could use his experience as a tennis player to work with some of the players during practice. 

“[Managing was mainly] working with people on drills, talking to other teams, figuring out their lineups, as well as just taking the score of their points, their games, their matches, their [CONFIRM WORD]. The whole shebang,” Loftus says. 

One of Loftus’ concerns about being a manager was the time commitment, as he is involved in other activities, such as being president of student senate. However, he was able to work with the coaches to figure out a plan that worked for him. 

“The easiest part for me was talking with the players and making jokes, as well as making friendships, especially with people I probably never would have talked to otherwise,” Loftus says. “I think what was hardest for me, especially at the start, was just going up to coaches at games and being like, ‘Hi, my name is Evan. I am the manager from Stoughton, and I need your lineup’. I was also afraid they were going to judge me on my handwriting. Then I soon realized, ‘Okay, I’ve got this, I can talk to people, and all their handwriting is worse than mine.”

Although Loftus managed girls’ tennis for just one season, reflecting back, he believes he has learned valuable lessons from his experience. Also, as a tennis player, he has inspiration for what to do during his season. 

“I’ve learned that I should focus on being more open to being a team. Also really make sure that I don’t leave anyone out because I felt like the girls’ team really did a good job with making sure everyone is included, whether they are on varsity or JV. There are a lot of things that I thought I could do for Boys Tennis, which is coming up in the spring,” Loftus says. 

Benefits of being a sports manager can include increased knowledge of a sport, a closer connection with a team, improved time management skills, and a gained physical education credit for each season you manage. 

Tribune recommends that students who are interested in managing a specific sport, with the time available to dedicate to showing up to practices and games, should reach out. 

“You can talk to the coaches [of the sport you’re interested in managing], or you can talk to Mrs. Alexander, the athletic director, she’s really helpful,” Tribune says.